Dear Members,
The Committee of the CKCSC of Victoria thank you all for your support at the clubs Recent Championship Show...full results are now on the Clubs FB Page and will soon be on our website.
The Bunnings Fundraiser BBQ to be held at Taylor's Lakes on Sunday 3rd July 2016 is being organised by Robyn Carter, so if you can help out on the day for a few hours please contact Robyn on 0401 143 858.
The Club's AGM will be held on Tuesday 16th August 2016 at 7.30pm & held at the Bulla Complex this year.
Attached is a nomination sheet for the 2016-17 CKCSC of Victoria's Office Bearers & Committee. This sheet needs to be returned to the Secretary either electronically, (as a word document only), to [email protected] or to CKCSC of Victoria, PO Box 1219, Research, Vic 3095 by Tuesday 12th July 2016. They will be published electronically by Tuesday 26th July 2016. Voting will then take place at the 2016 AGM.
The AGM will be followed by a Special General Meeting. All members are welcome to attend & asked to bring a plate to enjoy a social supper with other members.
Nominations for judges, either International, New Zealand or Australia, are being sought for the CKCSC of Victoria's 2018 Championship Show.
"Any person who has judged a CKCS Breed Specialty Championship Show anywhere in Australia, for a period of six (6) years once the judging appointment has concluded, and the period before the appointment and the signing of the contract to judge at the Championship not eligible to be selected as a judge."
Nominations for judges must be accompanied by the nominated judge's current email address. The nomination must be lodged with the secretary no later than Tuesday 28th June 2016.
Nominees will be asked to submit their resume and these will be published electronically by 26th July 2016. Voting will then take place at the 2016 SGM unless you live 100km from the Melbourne GPO in which case you are eligible to cast a postal vote.
Members who wish to have agenda items listed for discussion at the Special General Meeting must lodge these in writing with the Secretary either electronically, (as a word document), to [email protected] or to CKCSC of Victoria, PO Box 1219, Research, Vic 3095 by Tuesday 12th July 2016. Any motions must be proposed & seconded. They will be published electronically by 26th July 2016. Discussion & voting will then take place at the 2016 SGM.
Vivienne McLaughlin
CKCSC of Victoria
PO BOX 1219
Vic. 3095
The Committee of the CKCSC of Victoria thank you all for your support at the clubs Recent Championship Show...full results are now on the Clubs FB Page and will soon be on our website.
The Bunnings Fundraiser BBQ to be held at Taylor's Lakes on Sunday 3rd July 2016 is being organised by Robyn Carter, so if you can help out on the day for a few hours please contact Robyn on 0401 143 858.
The Club's AGM will be held on Tuesday 16th August 2016 at 7.30pm & held at the Bulla Complex this year.
Attached is a nomination sheet for the 2016-17 CKCSC of Victoria's Office Bearers & Committee. This sheet needs to be returned to the Secretary either electronically, (as a word document only), to [email protected] or to CKCSC of Victoria, PO Box 1219, Research, Vic 3095 by Tuesday 12th July 2016. They will be published electronically by Tuesday 26th July 2016. Voting will then take place at the 2016 AGM.
The AGM will be followed by a Special General Meeting. All members are welcome to attend & asked to bring a plate to enjoy a social supper with other members.
Nominations for judges, either International, New Zealand or Australia, are being sought for the CKCSC of Victoria's 2018 Championship Show.
"Any person who has judged a CKCS Breed Specialty Championship Show anywhere in Australia, for a period of six (6) years once the judging appointment has concluded, and the period before the appointment and the signing of the contract to judge at the Championship not eligible to be selected as a judge."
Nominations for judges must be accompanied by the nominated judge's current email address. The nomination must be lodged with the secretary no later than Tuesday 28th June 2016.
Nominees will be asked to submit their resume and these will be published electronically by 26th July 2016. Voting will then take place at the 2016 SGM unless you live 100km from the Melbourne GPO in which case you are eligible to cast a postal vote.
Members who wish to have agenda items listed for discussion at the Special General Meeting must lodge these in writing with the Secretary either electronically, (as a word document), to [email protected] or to CKCSC of Victoria, PO Box 1219, Research, Vic 3095 by Tuesday 12th July 2016. Any motions must be proposed & seconded. They will be published electronically by 26th July 2016. Discussion & voting will then take place at the 2016 SGM.
Vivienne McLaughlin
CKCSC of Victoria
PO BOX 1219
Vic. 3095