The aim of the Breeder Profile Page is to showcase club members breeder profiles, their dogs and the breed standard.
Complete the following application including your chosen photograph that shows that breed in a complementary manner and email to the club membership secretary.
The application process simply verifies that you meet the entry requirements and are eligible for a listing on the breeder profile directory.
1. Club membership
Is your club membership paid up and current?
A listing cannot proceed if your club membership is in arrears.
2. Have you been a member of the Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel Club of Victoria Inc for a minimum period of 12
consecutive months?
3. Dogs Victoria membership
Is your Dogs Vic membership paid and up to date?
4. A listing fee is payable to be listed in the Breeder Profile
An application will be not be processed until the fee has been
paid and processed.
The fee is not refundable should you decide to withdraw your
application or listing.
Email the following details as you wish them to appear in the listing to the membership secretary.
The photograph you wish to be included in the listing is required at the time of application.
Complete the following application including your chosen photograph that shows that breed in a complementary manner and email to the club membership secretary.
The application process simply verifies that you meet the entry requirements and are eligible for a listing on the breeder profile directory.
1. Club membership
Is your club membership paid up and current?
A listing cannot proceed if your club membership is in arrears.
2. Have you been a member of the Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel Club of Victoria Inc for a minimum period of 12
consecutive months?
3. Dogs Victoria membership
Is your Dogs Vic membership paid and up to date?
4. A listing fee is payable to be listed in the Breeder Profile
An application will be not be processed until the fee has been
paid and processed.
The fee is not refundable should you decide to withdraw your
application or listing.
Email the following details as you wish them to appear in the listing to the membership secretary.
The photograph you wish to be included in the listing is required at the time of application.
Once the application is processed and the fee cleared. It will be passed to web/graphics and the listing will appear on the breeder profile page as soon as possible.
Please note each listing is tailored made and time to appear will depend on the amount of work required
If you have any questions, please contact the club as we are more than happy to work with you with any photograph or listing queries. The aim is to have listings look as good as possible.