2022 AGM Minutes
TUESDAY 9TH AUGUST 2022 Commenced 737 pm
Apologies T Fernleigh, M Creek, L. Renn Paul Nichols, Aimee Petersen, M Morse
Attendees Will Henderson, Joy McInnes, Charlotte Taylor, Jan Kelly, , Andrew Twiddy, Kerry Smith, Ell Roberts, Jason Dean, Sandra Ingpen, Lynette Milne, Vivienne McLaughlin
MINUTES 14 th September 2021
Attendees Keith Byrnes, Charlotte Taylor, Karen Taylor, Mat Morse, Will Henderson, Joy McInnes, Jan Kelly, Greg Browne, Sandra Ingpen, Kerry Smith, Viv McLaughlin, Andrew Twiddy, Michelle Creek, Aimee Petersen, Kim Graham, Lynette Milne, Geoff Fennell
Apologies Paul Nichols, Talina Clark
Meeting Opened 7.33pm
Minutes of previous AGM taken as read-Moved V. McLaughlin 2 ND Sandra Ingpen
Presidents Report
Welcome to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Victoria’s Annual General Meeting.
I thought I was suffering a case of writer’s block when it came to penning a report of our activities but of course the pandemic has dealt us a cruel blow for the second year. Despite our committee planning shows and events and then coming up with a contingency plan with options A, B and C it has simply been impossible to get anything off the ground for this year and sadly all events for 2021 have now been confirmed cancelled. Thus, my report is brief.
We have, however, kept up online committee meetings and are now hoping and planning that our 50th Anniversary Year will be a significant milestone in 2022. Early in the year we enjoyed a brief return to ‘semi-normal’ where for a few short months it was great to see and enjoy a generation of dogs who have been waiting in the wings to make their show debut, but just as importantly it was wonderful to reconnect in person with our Cavalier fraternity. No doubt there is another super crop of Cavalier hopefuls biding their time in the mounting yard. Something to look forward to!
We are financially secure; however, we cannot become complacent so fundraising initiatives and ideas will be gratefully received. Perhaps this extra time at home may inspire some of you to volunteer for our Club. We are always in need of new blood, fresh ideas, and different perspectives.
I do wish to thank our committee, a talented and passionate group, who like me, wish to see Cavaliers promoted, celebrated, and preserved. A mighty vote of thanks to the following committee members: Joy McInnes, Andrew Twiddy, Charlotte Taylor, Jan Kelly, Aimee Petersen, Greg Browne and Paul Nichols, and heartfelt appreciation that they have nominated to stand for a further 12 months.
Karen Taylor is going to take a rest from the committee next year, but we thank her for her hours of service, enthusiasm and positivity.
If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us, is that the Cavalier is unequalled in dogdom when it comes to companionship. So, it is with bated breath that we wait for things to open up where our club can resume heralding the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Take care and be safe
Will Henderson
Moved Will Henderson
2 ND Jan Kelly
Secretary Report
Well what we can say except “What a Year”! 2020-21 has been the year of on again and off again activities with Covid Lockdowns.
The club activities have been planned then postponed and then cancelled since March 2020, so we have very little to report.
2022 Hopefully will be better and we are starting to plan our 50 th anniversary of our clubs’ existence
Many thanks to our small committee who are staying on for next year’s committee.
Thank you to Karen Taylor for contribution to the club who is not returning this year.
Reminder to all to keep safe and if you need support to lets us know
Regards Joy McInnes Secretary
Moved Joy McInnes 2 nd Sandra Ingpen
Treasurers Report
As per SGM minutes Moved Andrew Twiddy 2 nd Greg Browne
General Business
1. Honoriums Currently President $120 Secretary $250 Treasurer $200 Motion from Sandra Ingpen to Increase the Secretary Honoriums to $300 due to increased work load Moved Jan Kelly, all in favour Motion moved
2. Committee for 2021/22 President Will Henderson Vice President Charlotte Taylor Secretary Joy McInnes Ass Secretary Aimee Petersen Treasurer Andrew Twiddy General Committee Greg Browne, Jan Kelly, Paul Nichols Nomination from the floor Kerry Smith 2. Motion to engage auditor for 2021/22
3. –Wayne Fleming as per Andrew Twiddy 2 nd Jan Kelly
4. Membership fees Currently Family $30 Single $27 Pensioner $22
Viv McLaughlin spoke to leave the fees the same this year.
2 nd Charlotte Taylor
5. Championship Fees Currently 1 st entry including catalogue $25, Subsequent $18 Non-members 1st $27 subsequent $20 Baby Puppy $12 Property classes $10 Covid cleaning fee needs to be added to entry fees Discussion regarding raising fees. Motion Leave same but to review early 2022 by Kerry Smith 2 nd Aimee Petersen-Moved
6. Open Show Fees Current 1 st entry $15 subsequent $10 Baby puppy and property classes $5 Motion by Viv McLaughlin to increase subsequent entries to $11 Motion from Michelle Creek charge $2 covid levy per entry/exhibitor
Vote 10 to 2
Motion passed.
Date for next AGM 9/8/2022
Meeting closed 8:08pm
Moved J Kelly 2nd C. Taylor 2.
Presidents Report
Welcome to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Victoria’s Annual General Meeting.
The CKCSC of Victoria was established in 1972 and is one of Australia's oldest and most prestigious Cavalier Specialist clubs.
2022 has been a significant milestone for the club celebrating our 50th anniversary year. We were excited to be able to hold in June our first Specialty Championship shows in 3 years and welcomed our international breed specialist judges from New Zealand, Janine King of Nidra Cavaliers and Shelley Walker of Redcrest Cavaliers.
Attracting a quality entry from all around the country, we thank all exhibitors for their support of these shows. It was wonderful to welcome interstate guests from QLD, NSW, WA, TAS and SA to help celebrate this special occasion complete with a magnificent trophy table, special rosettes and a toast of cupcakes and bubbles to help mark this milestone. The feedback from both judges on the management of our shows and the depth of quality in their entries was extremely complimentary.
In a climate of falling entry numbers and breed registrations, I believe our breed is still in great condition and bodes well for a continued strong future ahead of us.
I know I speak on behalf of all committee when I express that it has been a great honour to continue to serve as your committee this past year.
I would like to make special mention and thank Andrew Twiddy who is retiring from the role of Treasurer, but we thank him for his hours of service, enthusiasm, and exemplary bookkeeping.
I do wish to also thank our committee, a talented and passionate group, who like me, wish to see Cavaliers promoted, celebrated, and preserved. A mighty vote of thanks to the following committee members: Joy McInnes, Charlotte Taylor, Jan Kelly, Aimee Petersen, Greg Browne, Paul Nichols and Kerrie Smith, and our heartfelt appreciation that they have nominated to stand for a further 12 months.
It is important that we all continue to promote our breed in a positive way and encourage new people to our hobby.
I am pleased to welcome to our committee this year new members Jason Dean to the role of Treasurer and Ell Roberts to general committee, who I feel confident will help add a fresh approach to our club.
We are financially secure; however, we cannot become complacent so fundraising initiatives and ideas will be gratefully received. In particular we need to be mindful that the costs associated in running our most significant events may increase considerably, in particular with international air travel.
Good luck to all those exhibiting at Melbourne Royal in September. We hope you can all all join us in November for our Open Show which will be judged by Charlotte Taylor of KasaDeCav Cavaliers and in June 2023 for our Championship show weekend, where we will make welcome from the UK Wendy Waters of Sweetbriar Cavaliers and Kirsty McMurray of Merryoth Cavaliers.
In the meantime, take care and stay safe.
Will Henderson
Moved W Henderson
2 nd L Milne
3.Secretary Report
Welcome to our AGM I hope everyone has recovered from our fabulous Championship shows in June I’m sure everyone enjoyed the return to shows after the long break due to Covid.
Congratulations to all our winners and I’m sure everyone is looking forward to reading the critiques from our judges. Thank you to all the helpers on the day once again making our show the most glamourous show at the park lol.
Our next big event is the Royal Melbourne show where we will be once again be hosting a Breed stand and showcasing our gorgeous animals during the lunch time display of meet the Breeds. I will be calling for volunteers with their dogs to help man the stand soon.
Our Open show will be held in November at Bulla - the schedule will be published in the next month
Thank you to all our fabulous committee for their hard work thru the last year. Im pleased to see everyone but our treasurer is returning. To Andrew Twiddy thank you for all your hard work over the last few years and hope you finally get to enjoy your retirement.
Keep warm and safe
Joy McInnes
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Victoria
Moved J McInnes
2 nd S Ingpen
4. Treasurer Report
In the 21-22 Financial Year the Club made a profit of $759.97, and the overall assets of the Club were valued at $27214.80.
These assets were comprised of 3 elements:
General Account $10234.93
Rescue Account $9386.25
Term Deposit $7593.62
The Club Finances were audited in August by W.M.Fleming Cert. IV in Financial Services (Bookkeeping)
To maintain and enhance the economic viability of the Club it will be crucial that members continue to take an active part in Club activities and any fund raising events the Club organizes.
There are serious potential financial storm clouds on the horizon for the Club. Given the uncertainty of the costs of international travel, and the fact it is the intention of the Club at this stage to have international judges in our next two Championship Shows in 2023 and 2024, the Club will most likely have to offer more to help compensate the judges for their travel costs. If that is the case it has the potential to affect the financial standing of the Club’s Assets.
All of our Championship Shows over the past 6 or 7 years have run at a loss and that loss could well be increased over the coming years given the uncertainty and especially the costs of International travel. The Club needs to decide whether it is prepared to bear the cost of two overseas judges over the next two Championship Show years as planned.
On behalf of the Club I would like to acknowledge the generosity of Judy Thomas who again donated to the Club’s Rescue Bank Account from the fundraiser for her chosen clubs with the calendar produced in the USA.
Thank you also to members who generously made donations for classes at the Shows, those who contributed prizes for the raffle and those who generously made items available for the Silent Auction.
A special thanks to Charlotte Taylor who was responsible for coordinating donations and running the Silent Auction. It should always be kept in mind that our assets could quickly be depleted if as in the past there has been expensive vet bills that have had to be paid as part of our Club Rescue Service. From your own experiences you know how expensive pet care can be. ANDREW TWIDDY Moved A Twiddy 2 nd Greg Browne
5.Honorariums for 2022/23 committee
Currently 2021/2 President $120 Secretary $300 Treasurer $200 All in favour no increase
6. Nominations for 2022/23 committee President Will Henderson V President Charlotte Taylor Secretary Joy McInnes Ass Secretary Aimee Petersen Treasurer Jason Dean General Committee- Jan Kelly Paul Nichols Kerry Smith, Ell Roberts, Greg Browne Congratulations to the new committee and may thanks to the dedication and hard work of Andrew Twiddy in the role of Treasurer who has stepped down this year.
8. Auditor Proposed W Fleming by A Twiddy charges $100 Proposed J Loh by J Dean charges $60 Voted by members to engage Wayne Fleming for 2022/23 books.
9.Membership Fees
Currently Family $30 Single $27 Pensioner $22 V McLaughlin proposed no increase in fees-all in favour
10. 2023 Championship Show and Open Show entry fees -Championship fees Currently 1 st entry including catalogue $25, Subsequent $18 Non-members 1st $27 subsequent $20 Baby Puppy $12 Property classes $10 Greg Browne proposed an increase of $1 per entry fee to allow for increasing club costs.
All in favour -
Open Show Fees Current 1st entry $15 subsequent $10 Baby puppy and property classes $5 Greg Browne proposed increase in baby puppy and property classes to $8 Moved G Browne 2 nd J Kelly
Next meeting 8TH August 2023